Saturday, January 2, 2021

Market Lesson - Patience

When investing in the financial markets investors must learn one important factor in their decision making process. That one important factor is to be patient; patience can make or break any investor that disregards time to evaluate a trade before it is made. Every investor must pay attention, just as if they were crossing a street. Before crossing a street we were always taught as children to look both ways before crossing. If you don’t look both ways there is a ninety nine percent chance that you will get hit by an on coming  vehicle. 

When purchasing stocks, foreign exchange or options it is not any different, the same rules apply. You must be very patient and follow all the rules. One mistake can ruin an investor’s entire account due to the lack of not taking his or her time. You must learn technical analysis, fundamental analysis, candle stick charting and moving averages just to name a few, but most of all patience. Being patient is the key to making money in the financial markets. 

Patience is the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to preserve calmly when faced with difficulties. We all know everything takes time. Many investors that rush trades by trying to beat the market, getting in too late or trying to get in early usually lose money very fast. From this day on you have to alleviate all the stress, take a deep breath, relax, take your time and be patient. If you practice that one simple objective that will be the start of having the ability to making winning trades and we all know proactice makes perfect.


By: Marlin Rolle

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