Sunday, October 11, 2020

Market Lesson – Finding Stocks

In order for investors to find stocks they will have to scan the entire market. There are different types of investors as well as several ways to scan the market. 

Some investors prefer to buy stocks for the short term, while others would rather buy stocks for the long term. There are thousands of stocks in over 190 industries. It all boils down to knowing what your financial goals are, what is your risk tolerance or your investment objectives.

Investors can use services such as money,,, or There are several parameters that can be used to single out the best from the worst stocks. 

Stock can be scanned by using moving averages, volume, candlestick charts, bar charts, new highs, new lows, technical analysis, as well as price action to name a few. 

Investors must focus on the very best stocks to make money. Most traders focus on stocks that have been beaten down such as oil refining, airlines, banks, or leisure and recreational services. Others focus on stocks making big moves such as technology companies like (SEDG) Solar Edge Technologies, (ZM) Zoom Video Communications, Inc. or (PTON) Peleton Interactive, Inc.  

There are also numbers of newspapers, magazines television shows that can also be used to find great stocks. Many investors follow financial shows such as  CNBC or read the Wall Street Journal. There are several choices but the choice it’s all up to you depending on what you are looking for. At the end of the day investors must do their own do diligence  in order to find what they are looking for.   

By: Marlin Rolle 

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